Local Contact Information
St Nicholas Church
Rector – Revd Sue Roberts :01404 44035
Church Warden – Rosemary Mapleston: 01404 47156
Church Warden- Ruth Hitchcock: 01404 43166
Safeguarding Officer – John Twaddle 01404 549660
Cllr Colin Brown
Exeter Road
EX14 1AL
Phone: 01404 42309
Mobile: 07761 281156
Website: Cllr Colin Brown
Bus. email: cbrown@eastdevon.gov.uk
Cllr Yehudi Levine
Phone: 01823 602772
Website: Cllr Yehudi Levine
Bus. email: yehudi.levine@eastdevon.gov.uk
If someone appears to be having a heart attack CALL 999 immediately, answer the questions and ask for an ambulance.
Then go or send someone quickly to get the Village Defibrillator. It is kept on the veranda of the Village Hall, which is halfway down the village street, postcode EX14 4TQ. Go up the steps and turn right, lights will come on to help you if it is dark. The defibrillator is not locked and is ready to use.
On returning to the patient the machine will tell you exactly what to do. It is not possible to harm the patient. The only risk is DELAY.
Even in a little village like ours this machine has already saved one young life, they really are a “life saver”. You never know when that life might be somebody close to you!
East Devon District Council
Address: Blackdown House, Border Road, Honiton EX14 1EJ
Telephone: 01395 516551
Website: www.eastdevon.gov.uk/
Honiton Minor Injuries Clinic
Telephone: 01404 540540
Open from 8:00am to 10:00 pm 7 days a week
Tony Dezell
email: chair.comberaleigh@gmail.com
Vice Chair
Serena Sexton
email: vicechair.comberaleigh@gmail.com
Jill Wardle
email: clerk.comberaleigh@gmail.com
Little Critters Playgroup Esme Moffett 01404 46569
Honiton Police
Emergency 999
Urgent but NOT Emergency 101
David Jackson
Tel: 07770 576222 email: davidjackson1345@me.com
Val and Mark Moran – copy, distribution
Tel: 0140441107 email: markmoran@btinternet.com
Jill Wardle – copy, compilation,
email: raleighrag@gmail.com
Honiton Primary School 01404 548700 www.honitonprimary.co.uk
Honiton Community College 01404 42283 www.honitoncollege.com
Honiton Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Helen Turner 01404 831733 www.honitonscouts.org.uk
Honiton Guides www.devonguides.org.uk
New Street Vets
Telephone:01404 42750
Website: www.newstreetvets.co.uk
Vale Vets
Telephone: 01404 44095
Honiton Small Animal Clinic
Tel: 01404 42062
14 Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton, EX14 1AW
Brian Churchill
Tel: 07436 033529
email: kay.churchill@btconnect.com
Hall Bookings
email: comberaleighhallbookings@gmail.com
email: accounts@comberaleigh.org
Combe Raleigh Group for general village related material, help, information etc. Administered by Carol Lazarus: contact 07958 925346 for further information. You can ask any member of the group to add you.
Village Hall Group for Village Hall specific material, events, news etc. Administered by the hall booking secretary: contact comberaleighhallbookings@gmail.com to join or further information.