Latest news from East Devon Rural Crime Team - June 2022
Dear all , I am hoping to be able to get a newsletter out every quarter. I will also try and send out any monthly information from our rural crime teams.
DCPolice has a youtube channel which has some good videos on it around RURAL AFFAIRS. Currently showing videos on : Fuel and Battery Theft, Poaching, Fly Tipping, Rural Road Safety, Livestock Worrying, Illegal Off Road Riding, Equipment Theft.
Please follow your rural affairs team on twitter at : @DCPoliceRural_D
East devon police team on twitter at : @EastDevonPolice
Honiton Volunteer vacancies :
Current Volunteer Vacancies | Devon and Cornwall Police (
We are currently looking for 2 x vehicle checkers and 1 x support volunteer to work with the neighbourhood team around our engagement.
I am currently looking at our engagement plan for the year. If you have any events coming up please email me with dates.
your postcode or village in FIND YOUR LOCAL AREA.
Remember to check on CRIME MAP. This will show you crimes in your village/area by scrolling in. If you check overview it will show you all of rural Honiton crimes.
I will continue to patrol our rural areas when I can and will update any notice boards I see around rural honiton when passing.
Pcso 30017 Darren England
Honiton Neighbourhood team & Rural Crime
Tel. 101